Federal Senate
Luan CSM Ozelim, D.Sc.
He is a licensed Civil Engineer and holds a Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering (EG) from the University of Brasília (UnB). Additionally, he was granted four postdoctoral scholarships to study EG at the same university (one active), where he currently holds a position as a Full Collaborating Researcher, conducting a series of research activities in EG. He conducted postdoctoral research at the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) in São José dos Campos, Brazil, where he now holds a position as a Collaborating Researcher. His areas of interest encompass Statistical Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Deep Learning, and Data Science. He has published over fifty articles in journals covering topics in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics, Geotechnics, and Geo-Environmental Engineering), Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Network Engineering, Theoretical Informatics, and Biomedicine. Most of his studies are related to the application of mathematical, statistical, and computational tools to model experimental data and physical phenomena, particularly using statistical techniques and machine learning. Recently, he was part of an RD team that worked on dam monitoring using acoustic measurements and Deep Learning techniques. He was recently recognized by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) as the youngest student to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Brazil (22 years, 1 month, and 6 days), across all fields of study. Furthermore, he has been working as a Civil Engineer at the Brazilian Federal Senate since 2014, accumulating over 9 years of experience in the design and management of Civil Engineering projects. Since 2024, has been an AI Consultant at Oxford Immune Algorithmics.

2012: Degree in Civil Engineering - University of Brasilia
2014: PhD in Geotechnics - University of Brasilia
2016-2017: Post-Doctorate in Geotechnics - University of Brasília
2018-2019: Post-Doctorate in Geotechnics - University of Brasília
2022-2023: Post-Doctorate in Geotechnics - University of Brasília
2022-2023: Post-Doctorate in Aeronautics Infrastructure Engineering - Aeronautics Institute of Technology
2024-2025: Post-Doctorate in Geotechnics - University of Brasília
2014 to date: Acting as Civil Engineer in the Federal Senate.
2014-2015: University Professor at the University Center of Brasília (UniCEUB)
2015-2019: Junior Collaborating Researcher at the University of Brasília
2019 to date: Full Collaborating Researcher at the University of Brasília
2023 to date: Collaborating Researcher at the Aeronautics Institute of Technology
2024 to date: AI Consultant at Oxford Immune Algorithmics